Urinary stones typically occur in adults, but the prevalence of paediatric stones appears to be increasing in children. Number of factors contribute to paediatric stone disease but it is commonly associated with metabolic abnormality in the body. An anatomical problem like an abnormality in the urinary tract obstructs the kidney or ureter and rise the paediatric kidney stone disease in children.
Urolithiasis, kidney stones, renal stones, and renal calculi are some of the other names of paediatric kidney stones. When the crystallization of solutes concentrates above the saturation point it changes into a hard and solid substance. There are several materials that form stone:
Infants from 0-2 years are becoming more commonplace for kidney stones.
When a higher amount of ingredients of stones are stored in the kidney without enough water, it creates stone-forming material in the urine. Childhood obesity, climate change, hot climate, unhealthy diets, and metabolic malfunctioning also contributed to this problem. When the child has a birth defect in the urinary tract, the paediatric stone possibility also increases.
Typical symptoms of bladder stones include:
Stones may be found in the kidney, bladder, and urinary tract. Stones in the ureter cause obstruction in the kidney and resulting in severe pain.
The best treatment procedure depends upon the size, location, and nature of the stone. Treatment of kidney stones is the same in children and adults. Though, less invasive treatment is suggested for child’s stone diseases.
Children who develop stones at an early age are more at a higher risk of developing in the future. Drinking enough fluids, eating fruits and vegetables, fewer salts in food, exercises can reduce the risk of stone formation.
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